A sewage ejector pump, also known as a pump-ejector system, is used when any type of plumbing fixture is installed below the main sewer or septic line. These pumps are usually installed in basement floors and are made up of a sump basin where waste collects over use and time.
The sump basin collects an average of 30 gallons of waste. The drain lines from the various fixtures in the basement area sloped down into the side of the sump basin, and when the sewage reaches a certain height, a moveable float that rise with the sewage will signal the pump to cycle on. The sewage is then pumped out of the basin and up to the level of the septic line. Once the level in the basin goes down, the float drops back down and turns off the pump until the basin fills up again.
Want to learn more about sewage ejector pumps? Premco, Inc. can help! We have a knowledgeable team and offer a wide selection of brand name pumps. Talk to one of our representatives at (866) 227-7706 or contact us online.